Now more and more cars at the factory already configured the CD host, but in the ranks of the middle and low car, cassette head still occupy a large share. If the effect of the car's speaker is passable, it can be considered a good head dress, this can completely change the car's acoustics, the nose of the display panel, fine workmanship, the current price of the nose to have such the sound quality is also count items.
If the count now the most popular music player equipment, that the non-compact and flexible MP3 player must go. Due to small size, large capacity can also edit their own habits play a song characteristics, can greatly enhance the ease of the car stereo.
MD is a digital recording format of the disc, enjoy high-quality recordings of repeated, greatly facilitates the preparation of personal music and other special purposes. Can be recorded music,conferences, classroom recording, live music in the car in time to play out, but also to edit all my favorite songs on an MD disc and enjoy digital quality sound.
MP3 Converter works to convert to MP3 audio FM signal, and then received through the car radio host, the benefits are put into small, only tens of dollars can be resolved to convert from MP3 to the car stereo.
If you want to improve the look sound in a targeted manner, and that can selectively replace part of the car's speakers, or the installation of a power amplifier, the benefits are low investment,effective obvious.
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