Automotive work outdoors, with hot and cold climate changes in temperature difference is big, so car speakers to be resistant to temperature aging structure can not be deformed.
Car in the rain, go water sections, when the car wash will be subject to moisture, so the car speakers to be anti-moisture, and now use more synthetic material cone.
Speakers appliances use less dust in the room, while the car dust and more dust cap required to prevent the coil friction noise.
Car Speakers by car anytime shock and vibration during exercise, designed to firmly can not loose.
Consider various interior noise and reflections, the materials used are different, using a variety of different design approach to offset the noise, limited car speaker installation location,listening to the sound field positioning, different pitch angle design.
Automotive supply voltage is low, in order to obtain a large power, speaker impedance are small, multi-use 4Ω have 3.2Ω and 2Ω even 1Ω, that use dual voice coil, shunt method up to 2Ω even smaller, this approach home audio rarely used.
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