Jinan car audio conversion, said about 80 percent of the original anti-theft stereo sound system is the basic principle of sound security is the owner through the buttons on the audio panel for car audio input setting a password, so that the sound in the security state. Once the sound system for some reason locked, except by the owner to enter the correct password, or audio only flashes the word "CODE" or "SEC", etc., and can not be used, so that played a role in anti-theft.
Jinan car audio conversion comes to cars in the use and maintenance of process, if removing the battery cables, battery severe loss of electricity, stereo sound or unplug the power fuse blown fuse or circuit breaker or artificial sound unplug the power cord audio power when the plug, anti-theft lock will sound. Therefore, during maintenance, I do not know if the sound password, do not disconnect the battery's power cord. When replacing the battery, you must first
connect a new battery and after demolition of the old batteries. Do not mistakenly pull sound fuses. Lock car should disconnect all electrical appliances to prevent battery discharge due to excessive lead sound automatically locked. In general, after the sound power, due to its internal storage capacity of a larger capacity, so take some time to make this big capacitor discharge capacity after the electricity, will make the sound appear locked.
Jinan car stereo audio conversion talked When locked, in order to re-use audio you must enter the correct password and press the right steps, if repeatedly enter the wrong password, it will cause the sound to be permanently locked.
Audio password can be found in the original acquisition or car code reader for reading.
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