Jinan car noise comes to a perfect car audio system, once it's sound performance than appearance, all efforts as a sieve. Jinan car noise introduced tuning skill, need to accumulate enough experience, not half past or short-term training can be achieved, they must be familiar with the functions and characteristics of various equipment, after accumulating a certain expertise, only way to be competent . The purpose of tuning the value of the equipment to play out, bring a more vivid sound, in fact, this work is not easy, because it's too many variables, because of this, the work is a tuning quite fun and challenging thing.
Jinan car noise remind Once you have completed the wiring, check again the power lines, and with three power meter to measure positive and negative there is no short-circuit, and then determine the correct power; the volume to a
minimum, and then open the host, such as listening to to immediately shut down any unusual sound, check the circuit, if no abnormal sounds, heat engine after ten minutes, touch the amplifier has no abnormal temperature.
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