Jinan car stereo fear of wet, wash their own time to close all the doors, clean car, try not to have too much water on the towel, not with a watering can or spray with liquid detergent spray sound like the opposite. If the dust, you can
use a towel wrung wipe headunit, after cleaning the cab, the best window for some time, so most of the moisture has evaporated before the car windows closed, each part of the controller electronics maximum the killer is damp.
Jinan car stereo fear dust. When listening to a CD disc difficulties arise retreat, its reading is not even its reading difficulty, as well as radio interference effects, are likely to be caused by dust infringement. Dust on the car stereo's injuries are very common but inevitable, when your car on the dirt road driving, try not to open the window, in order to avoid a lot of dust into the car from the outside, and the best of the outside air conditioning adjusted to the inner loop cycle.
Jinan car audio afraid severe shock, although in general the process of moving, the car will not cause severe vibration shake headunit, but sometimes for some reason, people need to be removed to sound, this time we should note, Do not shake vigorously or beat sound. Because after received severe vibration, acoustics inside some parts may appear loose or damaged, causing serious malfunction. In general, even waiting for the maintenance of audio host, should be taken gently approach.
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