  • 孚卡悦听汽车音响品牌连锁
  • 技术总监:张店长
  • 手机:186-0531-9097
  • 电话:0531-87058788
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  • 邮箱:jn-bsd@163.com
  • 网址:www.sdcarmusic.com
  • 地址:济南市历城区二环东路
  • 汽车东站北临50米路东
    更新日期:2015-4-9 18:32:10    浏览次数:940次


    Jinan comes to car audio conversion compared with the general's room, only a few one-tenth the volume of cars. Because of the small space, the distance between man and quite near the speaker, and the sound energy is increased with the frequency attenuation of multiples pairs, some of the burrs due to the high-frequency sound speaker in the split vibration generated in the remote listening room is not to, but at close range inside the car can be felt.

    Jinan introduce modified car stereo speakers car audio systems for the listener's position location is very asymmetric, while listening room for the listener's position is basically symmetrical, other dimensions and location of the installation is also limited, so listen sense Sonavox field will tend to leave the position of the listener closer to the direction of the speaker, audio positioning sense and presence will be relatively poor.

    Jinan remind car modified car stereo sound absorption characteristics are not the same kinds of materials for sound absorption is different, but there are differences in the same kind of material to absorb the force of each frequency

    also. Therefore, due to the different interior decoration materials and chairs, there will be some impact on the sound effects. General interior decoration, car seat, roof and flooring materials such as cloth and skin rugs, inside of the use of synthetic leather, as well as listening and the doors and windows, in the high-frequency sound-absorbing characteristics will be more complex formation, in hearing on the high frequency will be relatively strong, so the relatively high frequency soft music, it will not easy to make people irritable and tired.

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