This modification makes way more difficult to modify the pedals at the show, can be said to be a compromise for the first modification methods, such as modification of the original car is small change, and consumers readily accept.
This way you can get the best modified sound field in most car audio conversion, the treble and bass pedals installed at all, can make the difference between the human ear speaker distance with respect to the propagation distance for the smallest gap , as long as the debug properly, you can easily won the best sound field.
In the original car car stereo, so installation is very common. Because fewer changes to the car's interior, it is very easy to accept for many car owners, this installation method for sound field, it will be a good width and proper height, but the depth of the sound field will be lighter, sound field of the position will be too close to the listener. In addition, as the angle of the treble adjustment is difficult adjustments to make sound field compression phenomenon obviously, about the width of a portion of the unbalanced sound field.
Tweeter mounted on the dashboard, you can get better sound field position height, depth and sound field. But this installation method for speaker higher, because the distance between the treble and bass farther, near the crossover point will lead voice disorders, severe valley thus affecting sound quality.
Generally treble mounting position flush with the listener's ears, in the car stereo, three-way speaker system, can be very good solution because the distance treble and bass of distant problem.
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