Different parts of the noise, the effect of car noise played are not the same. Car noise if done well, the car is actually very small noise, the car starts, the engine violently rotating, body parts and structural components will be followed by shock, vibration, noise is the root cause lies only with the noise stop all vibration plate and absorbing cotton for targeted treatment of the original car, to be able to original car noise nipped in the bud.
Many of the original car's door panels, reserve tanks and other parts are actually very fragile, as reflected in particularly evident if the original car to stop the installation of a noise vibration plate, not only a solid body structure in many middle and low car, also can effectively stop the vibration noise, play sound insulation purposes. Car noise, they can effectively improve the soundproofing brace, vibration generated noise should disappear, eliminating the car audio sound due to vibration noise interference, the sound quality can be the perfect present appear.
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