  • 孚卡悦听汽车音响品牌连锁
  • 技术总监:张店长
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    更新日期:2014-11-30 15:14:43    浏览次数:927次

    Jinan introduce modified car stereo speakers sound distortion due to the installation of the bracket resonance leads to quality deterioration. When the car sound speakers, speaker of the floor due to the installation is relatively weak, the floor will resonate with the speakers or tremors, resulting in a loss speaker sound pressure and cause the speaker harmonic distortion, resulting in deterioration of sound quality.

    "Sound short" affect low-frequency radiation. Woofer diaphragm at the time before and after exercise, in addition to sound waves radiated forward, but also to the rear acoustic radiation, acoustic radiation in two directions of the phase difference of 180 degrees. Because of the low-frequency acoustic wave is very long, its diffraction ability is quite strong. Therefore, the low-frequency sound directivity is weak, due to the speaker mounting panel above the door full of holes, after the acoustic radiation will come around to the front with different destructive and radiation ahead.

    Jinan modified car stereo audio distortion introduced there is a reason for speaker installation space is irregular, causing sonic distortion. Irregular leading to a variety of sound field sound decline. When the car stereo speaker sound, sound waves not only forward delivery, but also backward transmission, reflection and special reflections strong sound confusing, sound conduction effect is not clear.

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