Jinan introduce modified car stereo through the car if there are a lot of gaps to the outside, the sound pressure can not be cumulative increase, so the sound pressure of the test, you must cut off the air leakage, such as air-conditioning vents, shift lever, door, drainage holes and so on.
Jinan modified car stereo subwoofer introduced to improve the affordability of power, increasing the output power amplifier, speaker series and parallel impedance equal after the best bass amplifier impedance bear minimum, so you can make full advantage of the expansion of the machine.
Jinan modified car stereo speakers talked about the same monomers on different speakers in the same amplifier output power to promote, sound pressure will vary, however, reflective of the relatively large size, power handling than the closed-type low, if the amplifier's output power is not selected would be more favorable reflective.
Low speaker intensive high density board better, plywood in the air too is not suitable, another seam transparent acrylic speaker, acrylic part of the area if the price is too Assembly sound pressure, speaker structure must be strong, between the planks must fill with white glue, can not have leakage phenomenon, while the outlet end of the best plus rubber mat to increase adaptation.
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