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    更新日期:2014-10-9 17:03:15    浏览次数:956次

    首先让我们来了解下汽车噪音的类别及产生,车内的噪声主要是由发动机等机械构件噪声(发动机噪声)、轮胎与地面的摩擦声(路噪)、汽车冲破空气幕产生的碰撞及摩擦声(风噪)、外环境传入车内的声音(如大货柜车呼啸而过的声音. .)、驾驶舱内饰板等部件发生震动产生的内部噪音等组成。

    1 vehicle engine is a source of noise, the noise it generates is different with different engine speed (mainly through: front fenders, hood, firewall blocking the exhaust pipe production and delivery).

    2 high-speed driving road noise is cut to form when wind noise and vibration generated by travel drive chassis, as well as the impact of gravel road car chassis will produce noise, which is the main source (mainly through road noise: the four-door, back-up boxes, front fender, front wheel arc generation and delivery).

    3 is a vehicle tire noise at high speeds, tire and road surface friction generated, depending on the traffic condition to determine the size of tire noise, traffic, the worse the bigger tire noise, another tire and asphalt concrete pavement has generated very impatient The big difference (mainly through: four doors, trunk, front fender, front wheel arc generation and transmission).

    4 is the pressure of the wind wind noise at high speed in the vehicle during the oncoming over door seal resistance generated in the car, the faster the traveling speed, the greater the wind noise (mainly through: four sealing gap , including the overall thin steel production and delivery).

    5 resonance noise and other vehicle body itself, like a box, and the sound itself is refracted and overlapping nature of the vehicle when an incoming sound, if there is no sound absorption and sound insulation and barrier to absorb the noise will continuous refraction and overlap, forming a resonance sound (mainly through: noise into the car, overlay, reflections).




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