Additional features will be fully restored to the factory default host state, high, middle and bass all set, and that is that is does not increase nor decay, front and rear sound field, left-right balance is the same. The advantage of this is that even sound effects are not the same for each dish, we can take advantage of an appropriate adjustment to add some treble and bass to supplement.The amplifier's volume all set at the lowest position, the filter is set at OFF, the cut-off frequency is set at a minimum, subwoofer amplifier is also handled this way.
Open the host, play some high-fidelity vocal dynamic powerful bass dish or some discs, set the volume to half or 3/5 twist position, it is easier to make the bass and the bass sound field before the title together, more prone to plump bass.
Next we will host the volume down, into a dish or low frequency strong vocals some discs, and then slowly turn up the volume of the host, until slightly larger than normal listening until you,then you should listen carefully is clear .
After adjusting the sound field, no matter the sound field in any state of the sound field to be set up in the HP state, the cutoff frequency twist to the nearby 150HZ, this time, the host volume twist large, normal is too large volume, the amplifier pushed back sound field the GAIN big twist, the former seat "feel" the sound field after a voice that is correct, then you hear the sound too large representative.
Adjust the bass is a key car audio, adjust the sound turned upside down well make happen. Feeling and front door speaker issued together, pass over the front door, but not too much sense of low volume.
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