Jinan introduce modified car stereo subwoofer phase setting: Just subwoofer in operation, will produce phase problem sounds rather basic problem with this if you do not set the subwoofer to be adjusted, it is possible to form a sound and subwoofer system issues bass horn sounds fight each other, that is, the amount of sense to set the subwoofer system more, but fewer bass sounds.
Jinan introduce modified car stereo subwoofer crossover frequency settings: in the car stereo, subwoofer low pass crossover point is set to the music listening involves not only balanced, but also involves the validity of the sound field. The higher the frequency of the sound, the stronger orientation of; the lower the frequency, the more diffused sounds, the more directional.
Jinan car audio conversion introduce a sense of ultra-low volume settings: adjust the amount of sense subwoofer system is the easiest setting, but also the most error-prone step, the correct sense of ultra-low-volume adjustment, in fact, as long as the subwoofer sounds a little feeling enough the main bass or bass should come from the car speakers.
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