Jinan introduce modified car stereo has a fast charge and discharge the capacitor features high-load operation when the power amplifier, a large amount of current moment, at the same time,automobile generator and the battery may not be timely supply of electricity, resulting in decreased efficiency power amplifier, the sound detract from the quality of the joint. But if coupled with fast charging and discharging the capacitor when the amplifier needs instant big power, the generator and the battery will be able to supply a moment too late, for the amplifier to maintain stable power supply, and then quickly filled by the end of the electric generator.
Jinan car audio conversion described in the installation of car audio system power supply terminal capacitance, the amplifier can ensure a more abundant supply of electricity for the transient response of the sound, bass saturation, the sense of speed, but also a considerable improvement in results, the greater the capacity of the capacitor, instead, the slower the charge and discharge rate.
Jinan car audio conversion remind many stores or manufacturers capacitance hands and feet, often stealing towards reducing capacity, reducing manufacturing costs to start with, we need to pay more attention.

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