Ji'nan car audio upgrade introduced with insulating tape or heat shrinkable tube audio signal wire joint wrapped tightly in order to ensure insulation, when the office and body joint contact, can produce noise.
Ji'nan car audio upgrade recommendations to keep the audio signal lines as short as possible. The audio signal line is longer, more easily to be disturbed by vehicle in different frequency signal. If you can not shorten the audio signal line length, long part to be folded, not rolled up. Power line wiring audio signal line to leave the driving computer module circuit and power amplifier for at least 20cm. If the wiring is too near, noise from the audio signal line may gather frequency interference. The best of the audio signal line and a power line that separates the cloth in the driver's seat and the copilot seat on both sides.
Ji'nan car audio upgrade recommendations to keep the audio signal lines as short as possible. The audio signal line is longer, more easily to be disturbed by vehicle in different frequency signal. If you can not shorten the audio signal line length, long part to be folded, not rolled up. Power line wiring audio signal line to leave the driving computer module circuit and power amplifier for at least 20cm. If the wiring is too near, noise from the audio signal line may gather frequency interference. The best of the audio signal line and a power line that separates the cloth in the driver's seat and the copilot seat on both sides.
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