  • 孚卡悦听汽车音响品牌连锁
  • 技术总监:张店长
  • 手机:186-0531-9097
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  • 邮箱:jn-bsd@163.com
  • 网址:www.sdcarmusic.com
  • 地址:济南市历城区二环东路
  • 汽车东站北临50米路东
    更新日期:2015-2-17 15:47:35    浏览次数:910次


    Ji'nan car audio conversion in the engine cover hood film paste, absorb the engine running noise; the installation of seismic reduction silencing film and sound-absorbing Wang composite in the compartment, alleviate the chassis parts caused at high speeds due to resonance, reduce road noise generated by the rotation of the transfer of tire.

    Ji'nan car audio conversion in the door trim panel is pasted in the special noise Wang film, reduce driving door sheet metal parts due to thinner resonance, reduce the door trim panel loose, reduce due to metal fatigue and body twisting murmur.

    Ji'nan car audio with sealing strip, enhanced A, B, C column sealing, reinforcing the backseat plate, improve the body structure, effectively reduce the noise; post intermediate frequency sound-absorbing the king in the door trim, the installation of door sound insulation strip to enhance sealing, reduce resonance sound and reduce the noise of high speed automobile.

    Ji'nan car audio conversion spray sprayed on leaves at the front and rear wheel plate vertical static sound insulation materials, reduce the abnormal sound when driving shock absorber incoming, inhibition of the tire and the road surface, sheet metal impact arising from the noise; in the interior roof top stick on a high performance noise Wang, effectively blocking the sun and cool air, prevent the interior temperature rise in a straight line the roof plate, reduce the resonance vibration.


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